Monday, December 29, 2008

i am so sad

my friend macarana moved to flordia and i am so sad she is my bff and really she is awsome

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Party in the house

okay peoples i have the funniest story to tell. i had a sleepover with my friends mitch and jaida, my two best friends. we had a huge BBQ and we were talking and okay i will admit i really like mitch and so we were sitting thinking what we were going to do till 4 am and what we were going to do for 6 hours straght. we ended up sitting and talking in these funky chairs that lean back really far and we played rockband then we came home and did kareoke and then we sat out side and talked. then my friend jaida slamed in to the glass door and then i ran into it by my self. i totally am so exited that he slept over and now we are getting glamed up to go to classic skating at 6pm.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

here we go again

okay i havent bloged in forever and so here are some pics of everything i have done in that time. i went to Virginia and i went to a couple other places

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We are going to Virginia! (again)

i am so exited to go to Virginia again. i cant wait until we go on saturday! we will get up at 4 am and laeve at 7. my birthday is in a couple days and i am way exited. i will post all about it when i get back.

Sleeepovers,sleepovers and more sleepovers!

I have had sleepovers for the last couple weeks with my cousin Anela and i will sleepover with her sister Leilani that is 8 and one of my favorite cousins. I am having so much fun! tonight we will have a whole bunch of fun. i will try to update you guys more often, i cant really cause i da\ont have a computer at my moms.

Monday, June 2, 2008


i have been so busy and haven't been abl to blog at all so right now i am just babysitting my little bro's. i am so exited for this summer i am going to camp big spring and i am going camping tons and fishing and all babbysitting. And i am also 1 week before my b-day we are going to Disneyland. Iam so exited to go and that may be my birthday present. On thurday it was field and i swallowed a button like a real button it had popped of the back of my pants and i was sucking on it and i was jumping and swallowed it! And then on wendsday it was cleaning day and we got all our work and cleaned out our classroom and said goodbye to our lab teachers and made cards for them. On tuesday we had to go to another classroom and read for 3 hours and then ate lunch and went home. On monday it was a regular day and on friday we got out 11:30 and got a party and had shaved ice. Iam exited to be out of school am going to miss my friends alot and probably never going to see them cause i moved nexed to my dads house. that was all that happened while i didn't blog. we got spring pics to which are above.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

This Week

Well this week has been crazy and weird at the same time. So on Monday we went to school and all we did then was work,work and more work. On Tuesday we picked up garbage and we found a really sharp stake knife. On Wednsday it was my step dads birthday so i got up at 5 am and put up all these decorations and then after school i made a cake and then we went shopping for him and then we flew kites. On Thursday we just relaxed and hung out 'cause we were so tired from the day before. On Friday i went to dance and we learned a new dance called lollypop and then we went to our dads house. That was my crazy but weird at the same time week.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I Got An A+!

i wrote a paper on the sea and i got an A+! here are some of the pics i had on it.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Yay I am home



I am so exited to be home so now i can blog. My week has been way exosting. today some of my friends got pulled into a situaition that a braty girl got them into so they are suspended and when they come back they have to go to DT(detention). Then on tuesday we had a test and monday we had a big farewell party for my friend edgar then on wendsday the lunch ladies made me sick to my stomch, then on thursday we just all had headachs so yep that was my week folks. I also had some fun on the way. I am one crazy girl.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

i love my family

I love my family of 7 because of 3 reasons...

1. They are all sweet and kind

2. There are Kayden, Ambria, Kolya, Koa and me! which are so fabulous to me

3. They love me and i love them back especialy my wonderful parents Nick and Erika and Troy and Kalei.


A - Attached or Single: single
B - Best Friend: Isel
C - Cake or Pie: pie
D - Day of choice: Friday
E - Essential Item: Nintendo DS
F - Favorite Color: purple
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: bears
H - Hometown: Utah
I - Indulgence(s): go get a triple scoop ice cream cup.
J - January or July: July
K - Kids: zero
L - Life is incomplete without: family,friends and ice cream!
M - Marriage Date: don't have one.(i hope)
N - Number of Siblings: 4
O - Oranges or Apples: apples
P- Phobias or Fears- clowns,snakes and spiders
Q - Quotes: The world is happier because of you
R - Reason to smile: so many reasons
S - Season: summer
T - Tag Three Friends: Erika,Crissy,dont have another
U - Unknown fact about me: i had a lazy eye when i was little
V - Very favorite store: old navy and limited too
W - Worst Habit: i bite my nails
X - X-ray or Ultrasound: x-ray(i'm not old enough to have kids)
Y - Your favorite food: my grandma kauo's chicken devan
Z - Zodiac: leo

welcome to Kealohi's blog

Welcome everybody! I finally made a blog. i am so exited. YAHOO!